Sunday, April 10, 2011


So, world, I guess this is gonna kick off a new blog. I am usually pretty bad about keeping my blogs up to date. But I guess that's what happens once you become a film student--you spend all your time studying and producing media for classes that you fall behind in your consumption of it. I am approximately 168 videos behind on my Hulu queue. Those who know just how many shows I was current on last year can vouch that that is a huge change in my media diet. Of course, 130 or so of those are old Stargate SG-1 episodes...

I have started using Twitter more this semester because I don't have the time or frequent computer access to keep up on facebook very effectively. For those interested, you can follow me at @torontomont. I tweet about all sorts of things. I currently have a whopping 26 or so followers. And a handful of those are the spammers. I hate tweet spammers. I wish I could tweet them spam back. But I guess it probably wouldn't be very effective with only 140 characters of the text: "BOMB."

On another note, I got a phone call today from another student at my college. I have been asked to be part of the crew of a project that will be filming this summer. I have an interview at 8:00 am tomorrow morning a few blocks from my apartment. I am pretty excited and hope that all goes well.

Wish me luck, and keep it real!

- Mont

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